2023 Bonnet Springs Park Volunteer Instructions
Customer Service Team
2023 Bonnet Springs Park Volunteer Instructions
Customer Service Team
Early Packet Pickup – Meet Angi Griffin (she will be wearing a red "Race Committee" shirt) at the Family Lawn by 3:30pm on Friday. LRC Tents will be set up or in the process of being set up.
Race Day Packet Pickup/Post Race Setup – Meet Angi Griffin at the Family Lawn by 5:15 Saturday morning at the LRC Tents
Post Race Support – Meet Angi Griffin at the Family Lawn at 6:45am at the LRC Tents
Ben McConnell – Locate Kim or Angi
Early Packet Pick Up - Friday 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Allison Sahm
Bill Pollifrone
Cheryl Irwin
Kathryn French
Heather Malone
Ingrid Foster
Race Day Support - Saturday 5:15 AM - 6:45 AM
Ingrid Foster
Petra Norris
Dawn Hargrett
Carolina Ospina
Sandra Johnson
Shaniqua Jones
Barbie Wilson
Jill Hamm
Race Day Support - Saturday 6:45 AM - 9:00 AM
ReGina Bullock
Ginnie Allen
Tom Lunsford
Sid Bolton
Dawn Hargrett
Jennifer Kirkpatrick
You may get asked a bunch of questions, so here are the most common FAQs. These will be covered in the race instructions to the runners as well, but some like to double-check. If it's not covered here, or as a group you don't know the answer, ask someone from the race planning committee for help.
What times does the race start?
The race starts at 7 AM. Runners should be making their way to the corrals by 6:45 AM. Bonnet Springs Park Blvd will be closed at 6:30 AM.
Where is the start/finish line? Where are the corrals?
The race starts on Bonnet Springs Blvd near the Florida Children's Museum. Corral markers will indicate where to line up. The finish line is on the perimeter of the Family Lawn.
Where should I park?
Bonnet Springs Park staff will direct you to a parking lot on race morning. Everyone should be prepared to walk up to 0.5 miles to reach the start line.
Where are the restrooms?
There are restrooms located throughout the park and portalets are located near the start line.
What is the time delay between corrals?
There will be no delay between corrals.
Is there an awards ceremony?
Awards will be announced after the final finisher, starting approximately at 8:45 AM on the Family Lawn.
Can I move to a different corral with a friend?
Yes, as long as the runners start in the highest number corral.
Can I run the race virtually?
No, this is an in-person event and there are no virtual options.